SRE-Sudderth Real Estate
100 E Collin St. / 404 N Powell Parkway
Leonard / Anna , TX
(903) 587-3301
(903) 587-2404
(972) 658-2084
TBD 44+- acres Hwy 82 Hwy 82
Honey Grove, TX 75438
$1,300,000.00 listing calculator

Listing Description

This combination tract offers many possibilities... Potential for airable land, good cover for recreational pursuits, and potential for spectulation with Hwy 82 frontage and a hard corner. Just minutes south of Lake Bois 'D Arc and only minutes from Bonham for all the conveniences of town. Owned by the same family for 50+ years, this is the one to see. Be in a great location for Texas growth through that corridor. Partially fenced, approx. 60% cover and 40% pasture, existing pond, will subdivide. Road frontage on three sides with Hwy 82, CR, and FM road.