SRE-Sudderth Real Estate
100 E Collin St. / 404 N Powell Parkway
Leonard / Anna , TX
(903) 587-3301
(903) 587-2404
(972) 658-2084
TBD County Road 163
Bangs, TX 76823
$445,000.00 listing calculator

Listing Description

Great hunting property with (two) 7 to 10 acre food plots. There are two blinds and three tree stand and three feeds that convey with the property. All you need is a gun and lets hunt. The place can also support cattle if you wish. The fences do need some repair but hold cattle at the present time. There is a old barn and another structure that is in need of repair on the property. There is also a good tank on the property that hold water really well , even in the droughts it has had water in it. Brooksmith water can be brought to the property and the owner will pay for it at the right price. There have bee Deer, Turkey, coyotes, Hogs and Dove seen on the property along with a few other varmints. Back on the market after buyers could not get funding.